God Has Changed Me...

OK, I try to be as open and honest as I can, I haven't always lived a life as a child of God, and especially not that of a minister, and yes I was in a gang, and yes I've been to jail, and yes I've been in fights on 6th street, but God has changed all of that, God has changed me, and I believe that He has done it, not for me to say "look what I have done"; instead, He has done it so I can say "look what the Lord has done!" and if He has done it for me, He will do it for you! People, especially young people, listen closely, God never intended for us to live that way, like animals fighting over nothing, that type of behavior only glorified the devil, God has given you an opportunity at life, not for you to destroy before you're even 20 years old, but for you to use it to Glorify our Father who is in Heaven! For you to Glorify the One who Was and Is and Is to come! And for you to show the World a better way, it just hurts my heart to see young people make poor choices... The drugs, the alcohol, the so called "street life" it's just going to take you to a dark place that is very hard to escape from... Trust me, I know... You don't have to experience that life, you don't have to try it or check it out, just ask me, I'll tell you the truth, I will not glorify the nonsense, the sleepless nights I gave my parents, the money spent on lawyers that could have been spent on so many better things... I'll tell you the truth, and that is Jesus Christ Crucified and Raised again for you... I am Praying that you read this, learn from this, and that better choices are made in the future... I've performed 3 funerals in my life, of those 3 two of them were for young people who died much to young, trying to enjoy the "street life"... May God Bless you All... Amen...


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