Surely I Come Quickly...

Hosea 4:6-7 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame... As I mentioned previously, I have just fallen in love with the Book of Hosea, and as prophecy continues to unfold before our eyes, it is important for us to understand what's going on around us, and we can only understand it by reading the Word and making it a part if who we are... Jesus Christ Himself read and studied the Word, and as a matter of fact, He quoted it often. Jesus Christ is our sinless and Holy example, and He expected the Apostles and all who followed Him to know the Word themselves... One example of this can be found in Matthew 22:31 when speaking, He stated "Have you not read?" He spoke these words In expectation that the people had knowledge of the Word... Revelation 21:6-7 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son... The great thing about knowledge of the Word of God is that we ultimately know who wins in the end, and we can rest assured that if we follow Him and His Word, we shall receive the Blessings and Peace of the King, that is we shall receive the water of life freely, He shall be our God, and we shall be His Children... Knowledge of God is more than just Promises and Hope, it is truth and justice as well, and there is no way that we can expect the Glory of God without accepting the judgement of God as well... Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death... Although the many descriptions of hell and damnation found throughout the Bible, are truly terrifying; however, the total separation from God is the true punishment for those who do not believe... Now, I am not the judge; therefor. I cannot say to anyone, you're out and you are in, I can only provide you with the truth as it is stated in the Holy Bible, which I believe to be the Holy Word of God... The truth is not everyone will get in, not everyone will live the kind of life that The Lord calls for, but those who do, and those with the knowledge are charged with sharing that information with others... Revelation 22:12-14 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city... Revelation 22:20 ...Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus... The wheels of Prophecy are turning and churning quicker and quicker... My prayer is that everyone who I come in contact with, whether in person, by telephone, or through social media will open their hearts, minds, and souls to the trust that is the Gospel of Christ Jesus, that they would attain the knowledge if God, and that they would share it with others... In the Name of Jesus I pray... Amen...


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