His Promise, Not Mine...

The ministry is an intricate and important job in today's world, but more than a job, it is a way of life. As I have surely mentioned previously, the majority of ministers I know do not actually receive  any type of payment, and definitely for those that do, there can be no true compensation for the many hours that these individuals put in; however, there is a bright side, we as ministers, are often the ears and voice of God. As ministers, we have the privilege of communing with God on a regular basis, we are able to intercede on the behalf of others, and we have the honor of helping our brothers and sisters in Christ by walking with with them while they  traverse the valleys and we celebrate with them as they reach the mountain tops in their lives. With that stated, today, I would like to address those of us who are going through the valley, and I would like to assure them that they are never alone...

Matthew 5:3-6
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled...

Blessed are they who are going through the valley, for God shall escort us as we walk, assist us as we climb, and carry us as a father carries His child when our bodies are to weak to go any further, for in our weakness He is strong. (II Corinth. 12:9-10) No, these were not the words spoken by Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount; however, as I read through the fifth chapter pf Matthew, this is the message that I had received many times I read these scriptures while suffering excruciating pain while in the hospital, or while stressing out about the financial questions associated with being out of work for over a year now, and through it all, God has met every single need and more than a few simple desires...

For those of you who are going through it right now, remember these promises that God has given you here in Matthew chapter five, remind yourself of the miracles God provided to the Israelites during the Great Exodus, keep in mind how God sent the Angel to meet Elijah underneath the Juniper tree in II Kings chapter 19, and always remember this...

Matthew 28:18,20
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth... and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen...

The Lord our God is Always with you, He will Never Leave us or forsake you... That is His Promise, not mine; therefore, it is a Promise that shall always be... God Bless... amen...


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