
Originally posted on Facebook...

Hello, many of you, my friends and family here on Facebook, are already Bible believing followers of the Lord Jesus Christ; however, many of you are not, and you are the ones I would like to focus on here today. Now, I will be honest with you all, it is very hard to believe that there is one Sovereign God who is Lord and created of everything, right? and then as if that were not crazy enough, this Mighty God would care enough about anyone, let alone you, that He would cover himself in the skins of the human race He created and come down to a world that even He said is controlled by His rival, enemy, and former friend in order to be slaughtered so that I can live? Yes, I will admit that it is indeed a strange story that I had a serious problem with myself until I had a problem that was far beyond the reach of any earthly solution that God helped me with, I am serious…

As most of my old school people know, I had no problem living my life my own way without any concern for anyone else, that is until I lost my first sister, Cheryl to breast cancer. The loss of my sister was simply devastating, and what made it much worse is that even though I knew she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, I tried to ignore it until it was too late. One Friday evening, I went to visit her, and her health was declining swiftly; after a short visit, I said to her that I would be back soon to visit with her again, we said a prayer and I departed, little did I know that would be the last tie I would see my sister alive. A few days later while at work, I received a phone call that broke my heart, my sister had passes away; however, cancer had not defeated her, she was simply carried away into the bosom of Abraham the patriarch of the Faith, and now, this is where the miracle begins...

About a year after my sister Cheryl went home to be with the Lord, my family and I were fighting a similar battle with my other sister, Pamela, she too had cancer and her health was declining rapidly as well. Early one morning, while at work once again, I received that terrible phone call once again, "Fred, you need to come right now, it's time." Walking swiftly, almost running in fact, I informed my employees and the district manager of the situation and sped away quickly, arriving at my mother's home only a few minutes later. As I arrived, the EMS operators were just leaving after informing my mother that there was nothing else to be done; saying, "just make her as comfortable as possible, and call us back when she is gone and we will pick up her body." Staring at them in awe and confusion, I walked out of her room into an empty room down the hall, a short time later my brother walked in and said, "you need to come over here, she doesn't have much time left, and we need to be altogether with her" to which I replied, "no, she is not dying today, she will die, but not today," and I shut the door and began to pray. Up until that time, I had never prayed a serious prayer in my life, and what I mean by that is this, I never really believed that there was a God who answered prayers or even cared about us, if there was a God at all, I just did not believe, if Thomas was a doubter, I was a super doubter; because to me, there was just no way to believe that this great and caring God really existed, and so I prayed...

Although I do not remember that prayer word for word; however, it went a little something like this: "God, if you are real, and if you care like they say you do, then I need something from yo today, I need you to show me that you are who you say you are." As I continued to pray in that  dark room for what seemed to be hours, I felt something that I had not felt in as long as I could recall, if ever at all, it was a peace that words could not explain, I mean it was so calm, still, and tranquil that you could hear the whisper of the winds a mile away, and after I walked out, I just felt confident that everything was going to be alright. Leaving the emptiness and peacefulness of the room down the hall, and into my sister's panic and tear filled room, I walked over to my sister and whispered to her that not only was she not going to die that day, but that she was going to witness her Birthday, Christmas, and the New Year. At the time, I really had no idea why I said that to her or where that thought even came from, but I just knew it would happen, and it did. Pamela, my sister did in fact live long enough to see all those days and mentioned and due to some very special circumstances, I was able to be her primary caregiver for those next few months, spending time together, praying together, and just enjoying that extra time God had given us, and from that day forward, I knew that there was indeed a God who loves and cares for us enough to come down to this earth He created, to rap Himself in the skin of the human race He created, and then sacrifice Himself on a tree that He created so that you and I would have a chance at Salvation...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Jesus Christ loves you so very much, and if you would give Him a chance to prove it, you'd be doing yourself the greatest favor ever. You see, I am just like you, I was raised in this cruel world wondering if there was any love to be found anywhere at all, I doubted that there was any God at all who cared about what you and I were doing down here, and I never ever wanted to be a minister; if anything at all, I wanted to be king of the streets, but thanks be to God who saw fit to turn my life completely around, and He will do the same for you if you will allow Him to do so. Now, I know what you're thinking, "yeah but, I drink too much, I do drugs, I have children and I am not married, I am divorced, I was in jail, I am on probation, and blah, blah, blah." People, none of this matters, it just does not matter, the Lord Jesus Christ makes All things New, that is everything including you and I, through Jesus Christ, we can do anything, there is nothing out of the reach of those who believe. So, just give it a try, and you too will see that the Lord is Good...

Have Questions? Please Read: (John 3:16, II Corinth. 5:17, Rev. 21:5, Phil. 4:13, John, 16:33, I John 5:4-5, Joshua 1:9, Act 2:38, Matt. 11:30)


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