Nothing is Impossible with God

Well, let us talk about the goodness of God... As most of you now know, I have been dealing with some health issues that sometimes makes it difficult to walk, or even stand for any period of time; however, that's not all. Now, as most of you also now, my dad passed away on April 20, and we buried him on April 25, just a few days ago. Wednesday of last week, I began loosing my voice; now, I am not sure why, it could have been because of the many tears i cried, or perhaps allergies, but by  sunday morning, I was very horse and my throat was very sore...

Sunday morning services at the church I attend, the PromiseLand, here in Austin, was explosive, and the alters were filled with those in need of prayer; therefore causing my already horse voice and sore throat to become even worse. So, this would not have been a problem except for the fact that I was scheduled to speak Sunday evening at six o'clock pm. Now, as if that was not enough, although I had begun taking notes for that speaking event, the passing of my dad distracted me from completing my notes and writing out the sermon..

After morning church services, I laid down to tae a quick power nap and then complete my sermon notes; however, that thirty minute nap lasted almost three hours, eating away at my study time. Now, what was I to do, I could not speak, and I did not have my sermon written out as usual, and so I prayed and headed out on my way. After arriving at the church, in San Marcos, I sent a text message out asking a few people pray for me as the praise and worship service began, after I was called up to speak, I was reminded to slow down as the church had a multicultural congregation and the sermon would need to be translated into spanish. Nervously I read the first two verses of my text as my voice began to come back and I began to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit come upon me. Now, I must tell you that I have not preached a real sermon in almost two years, I have "spoken" on a few occasions; however, that does not come close to the experience of preaching a true sermon...

Now, back to the story, as I preached, I found myself speaking in spanish to the congregation as the interpreter stumbled and fumbled between english and spanish, bringing many laughs from everyone, including myself. As I continued to preach the message, the Holy Ghost continued to guide me, no notes nor practice, purely the Holy Ghost and my Bible. After the conclusion of the service, I prayed with everyone  and every family that I could get to, the altar was full, as the other ministers and I continued praying for as many as would allow, what a powerful night it was...

I went in concerned, and came out empowered, apparently I forgot that Jesus Christ said that what is impossible with man is possible with God...

What do you need help with? what are you concerned or worried about? Why don't you give it to God and the Power of the Holy Ghost, and just as He returned my voice and gave me the words to say, just as He said in Jeremiah, He placed the Word in my mouth and guided me through His Holy Scriptures, whatever it is you need, give it to God, ask Him, and you will receive, as long as you truly Believe... God Bless... Amen... (Matt.19:26) (Heb.11:6) (Jer.1:9) 


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