God Is Holding Your Hand

October 17, 2013 approximately 9:00am, I am taking a shower, nothing out of the ordinary... then all of a sudden, I feel a pain like nothing I've ever felt before in my life.... moments later, I can't feel my left foot at all, my leg goes numb, I can't move... Oh my God! What's going on... I can't move... I'm at the hospital, after the x-ray, the ER doctor says to the nurse, get the neurology department on the phone, tell the we need a specialist stat! and give him (me) something stronger, the morphine isn't helping... the specialist arrives and said "MRI shows there is too much swelling, we can't operate, all we can do is give him (me) pain meds and steroids, and let's hope the swelling fries down so we can operate." I'm afraid, I don't know what to think, I don't know what to do, the pain is so intense, my legs don't work, what's going on... I'm so afraid...

Isaiah 41:13
For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee...

Today, I'm walking, talking, breathing, and ministering to others... God was with me, He held my hand, He told me to be brave, be courageous; theirs nothing to fear, I am with you...

Whatever it is you're facing, just know that God is with you, He's holding your hand, and even now, He is working behind the scenes to help you in a major way...

I don't know who this is for, but God keeps telling me to tell you that things are going to be alright, things may look grim now, but the change is coming, it's here right now... May God Bless the readers of His Holy Word... God Bless... Amen...

God's Promise to You is This, A Change is Coming...


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